Saturday, May 15, 2010

an issue of trust

A gentleman came into the store the other day, looking for an anniversary gift. He told me that each year he and his wife celebrate the anniversary of their first date...and this year they would be celebrating their 50th. He also told me he had already given her an anniversary present - a shotgun! - so his budget was limited. I stifled my reaction to the gun info. We found a lovely necklace that he thought she would like, I wrapped it up for him and away he went.

I, meanwhile, kept thinking about the shotgun. That certainly says something about their relationship. No question in his mind that she might use the shotgun on him. Nope - theirs was a marriage of trust.

The next day they came into the shop together, she wearing the necklace, looking for the matching earrings. No gun in sight. The trust was still there. Happy Anniversary to them both!

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